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Eye protection operation

 Ophthalmologist as eye a long time you launch a simple eye exercises, because it helps to prevent excessive computer generated computer eye disease eliminate eye fatigue and discomfort and other symptoms, and prevent further deepening of myopia.

2 minutes intently watching thumb

Campaign aims: to improve the function of eye movements

With a towel or cover your palm or eye goggles. Do not pay attention to eye Bijin! Sitting in a chair, body straight, do not suffer by! Feet parallel on the front of the body.

The eyes of the arm side of the body straight forward and thumbs. Doing eye exercises, the eyes always look closely stare thumb, never make it out of sight. Head straight, do not follow the arm movement.

The arms move horizontally from right to left to do seven times the maximum distance of 60 to 70 cm. From top to bottom and then do the move vertically 7 times, then do with diagonal move 7 times (first from left up and right down, and then right up, down and to the left), the last to do the ring-shaped mobile 7 (first clockwise, counterclockwise after moving). Hands and then practice again.

Experts Important: each eye exercises longest no more than 2 minutes, otherwise it will produce eye fatigue.

4 minutes distance alternately watched two pencils

Campaign aims: training space vision

Sitting in a chair, body straight, do not suffer by! Feet parallel on the front of the body.

Hands armed with a pencil, a pencil parallel to the vertical post in front of a front nose. A pencil and nose distance of about 20 centimeters, the other is a distance of about 50 cm.

Now we turn to peer at a far nearly a pencil and watch that support is not aimed at how a pencil-shaped object as two and become blurred. When watching a slow start, and then gradually increase the speed. Exercise maximum of 4 minutes, otherwise it will produce fatigue.

Experts Important: If you do not have double vision (see complex like), you can try to move a little bit you can not see a pencil, or while looking out the window, and then re-practice. If you still can not see complex images, you should see an ophthalmologist or optometrist can help you please look up vision.

Xiao Bian Recommended Reading: "eye exercises - look to the left and right Chou Chou myopia tune": Your eyes tired? Professional eye doctor recommended us some eye exercises to relax the eyes, for the sake of your eyes, with us together to move your eyes, eyestrain good bye with it ......:

  2 minutes watched letter reproduced hearts

Campaign aims: training the eye acuity

Foreign holding a magazine or a newspaper, from which to find a non-symmetry of letters (for example, lowercase letters a, as shown), then against the letter s view, a total of five times to see. Then closed his eyes, and the hearts of the letters reproduced viewed accurate graphics and sharp contrast, the duration of 30 seconds.

Now you're in a very sharp eyes to imagine the distant letter s. Redo exercise once for the letter s graphics imagination lasts 30 seconds.

Then imagine the letter s around the opposite side (left and right reversed) graphics. If you master all the essentials of practice, you will be able to continuously and so handy to finish the exercise.

Experts Important: Do not do this exercise hyperopia. Some people myopia start doing this exercise difficult, but through repeated practice, it gets easier and easier to do.

3 minutes to see side chest toss the ball

Campaign aims: training side vision

This exercise needs to be done in a standing position. Looking for a least 4 meters fixations place in order to do this exercise.

Now you will go on a tennis ball thrown in the body, then turn down to catch tennis. When connected on throwing tennis, your eyes never leave the distant gaze point. When a tennis ball on a fall, you just apply corner of the eye to watch. If you manage to master this practice method, or even be able to throw up 1 meter high tennis, tennis and fall back catch, you will be able to move the arm farther and farther to the side of the body, until you tennis is also at hand to see your eyes field of vision so far.

Start practicing, right-hand man to do the rotation side are juggling tennis and watch practice. After practicing proficient, you can do both hands at the same time throwing and catching tennis practice and the side watching.

Experts Important: Even if you find it difficult to start practicing, but still should look into tennis. If you want to increase the level of exercise that you can do the exercises while watching TV.

  4 minutes mask eye exercises

Campaign aims: to relax the eyes

Sitting at your desk, his hands elbows on the table or on the thigh. The long arching palms on the front of the eyes, cover your eyes, and not turn a blind eye, but you can also use nose to breathe freely. Try not to let the light entering the eyes.

Now imagine you are in front of the distance appears a beautiful picture (such as ocean). After practicing at least 4 minutes, slowly cover eyes hands down, practice ended. Then you look at the corner of the eye in your side of the field of vision of things.

Experts Important: hyperopia and not easy to concentrate the attention of people should be a little change of this exercise method: two surround viewing light a lamp, but not two vertical lights inside the reef! Then you look at the light spot generated until it slowly disappears.

About three staggering eye

The incidence of dry eye female is 2.5 times that of men! Women than men because of hormonal fluctuations susceptible to dry eye syndrome. Moreover, few people realize, eye fatigue and lack of moisture can consume physical and mental energy.

When tired, blinking frequency increased 64%! Eye reflected by the surface of the eye and the elimination of tears to keep the eye wet. Talking to people, we blink on average 16.6 times per minute. However, when you perform computer operations, reading or sewing eyesight working time of 30 minutes, and you blink rate increased by 64%. If you feel blink frequency significantly increased, it should be every 15 minutes, eyes closed for 10 seconds, then blink 5 times this is to eliminate eye fatigue, restore vision vitality coup.

Ω-3 fatty acids reduce the symptoms of dry eye can make 66%! Tears contain natural lipid layer of oil, which is vital to keep the eyes lubricated Harvard University researchers pointed out that taking Ω-3 fatty acids can help board natural oil glands, so that to reduce the symptoms of dry eye 66%. Tuna or salmon are rich in fat, known as Run-eye recipe, edible several times a week.

Taking 2.2 milligrams of fish oil daily is also effective.